Enterprise Solutions for Small Business
Specialists in providing small and medium business with modern, secure technology and services.
How we can help you
Information Technology is a huge responsibility, and IT’s not in your job description

We work with you to identify problem areas, security risks and outdated technology, then propose solutions that work within your budget.

Your systems are updated or repaired, hardened against intruders and protected against disaster.

Systems are continually monitored and updated and new, better solutions are implemented or developed over time.
Solutions for all sizes
Whether you have 50 employees or are all by yourself, chances are you need most of the same products and services. A computer to work on, somewhere safe to store your data, reliable email, phone and internet service.
After that, it starts to get complicated: backups for your data, virus protection for your systems, firewalls, spam and content filtering for your users, regulatory compliance, updates, downloads, VPNs, open source blockchain machine learning B2C viral cloud… you get the idea.
Cole Systems has the expertise, experience and the systems already in place for you to take advantage of.
Industry Partnerships